Critical Alert.
Rare electronic virus to hit
YMCA of Central Kentucky
week of 1/11/10 – 1/ 15/10.
Email communication will run the risk of distancing staff, allowing miscommunication of messages, delaying communication efficiencies and diminishing professional interactions.
Recommended action: pick up the phone or walk down the hall and actually say the message and listen for response.
(dramatic pause)
As I looked at the staff surveys we will review on Friday at the Management Team Meeting and as I continue to align my personal work habits to Gulick aspirations, I wanted to issue this challenge to everyone. Are you up for it? I am going to start it the very minute I press send.
It’s just an experiment but could it teach us something? I wonder.
If you are up for the challenge, let’s make as much of our communiqués between two people face-to-face or via phone call this week as possible.
It’s just as an experiment so no need to beat yourself up if you by habit send an email rather than walk literally one door down…
But let’s try to mimic the very behaviors our health seeking members crave from us.
Interaction. Relationship. Listening.
Just say no to email when a simple chat could do… the challenge is on.
This was one of my favorite messages - and we kept it up for quite a good amount of time! I hope I can continue to practice INTERACTING, rather than clicking "reply."